Flashback on Village of Stowe
Today morning as I was taking my sons to preschool they were pointing to the colours of the trees on the roadside and suddenly my older one said I want to go to no.16 house. This was the number of the room we stayed in Stowe, Vermont. Suddenly both my kids started talking about the mountains and farms .
Inspite of the fall colours we have at connecticut we took a trip to Vermont during the 2nd week of October. It was a 4hrs drive but was very relaxing. We went to a small village called Stowe. We stayed for 2 days.
We were a little late for the season as it was snowing at the top of the mountain and colours had started to fade. But the highway was beautiful withfall colours and mountains on either side . It was like looking at a picture.
Also this place were we stayed was very quite from all the city noise. There was a small river flowing by the side of our resort. There were hammocks tied to trees.
Night was very dark but morning were very beautiful.There was a farmers market one afternoon where farmers from different farms were selling fresh produce and handmade crafts.
Also we went up Mt.Mansfield which is around 4500ft high in cable cars.
Suddenly I could hear my younger one saying from the back of the car that he wanted icecream.They remembered the Ben and Jerry's Icrecream Factory there and they got to eat lot of ice cream. My husband took them 2 days in a row and they enjoyed it. Also there was a cider mill and Cabot cheese outlet. I was really excited because I had read about country side in books but never seen them in America. When ever we took a trip it was always about covering as much as possible. But since this place was small village there was not much to do. Everything closed by 4 in the evening.
By the end of 2 days we were so full of energy that we all wanted to come back to our routine life. I think it was mainly becuse we all liked some noise and hurrybury in life.
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